Motte family papers, 1791-1892.


Motte family papers, 1791-1892.

Chiefly family and business papers from correspondents in the lowcountry and midlands areas of South Carolina, dating from the Early National, antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction periods. Letters of Early National period discuss concerns over tensions with France = = the Quasi-War was officially fought from July 7, 1798, until the signing of the Treaty of Mortefontaine on September 30, 1800. French privateers had been preying on American shipping for several years prior to the beginning of the conflict.Letter, 4 Apr. 1798 (Charleston, S.C.), Mary Quince Motte to Ab. Motte (Columbia, S.C.), "Do not you think this War they talk so much of (if it comes) will put a stop to the paper mill business also the saw mill..."; letter 9 Apr. 1798 (Columbia, S.C.), Abraham Motte to Mrs. Abraham Motte (Charleston, S.C.), "...declining to take Jno. Ward's mill seat & land....," with description of a site near Columbia, "The War (if we have any) will rather promote than retard manufactories, as all importations will of course be stopped." "Plantation work books," 1850-1856 (unbound, 4 signatures, legal-size), from Exeter Plantation in Berkeley County, S.C., listing African-American slaves by name, and daily duties and tasks assigned, recorded by J. Rhett Motte. Volumes from three growing-seasons: dated: 1 Jan. - 7 July 1850; July - Dec. 1854; and Jan. - Dec. 1856; duties described include cultivation of rice, planting corn, Materials dating to Reconstruction re efforts to extract naval stores, 2 items, 1 Apr. 1868 and 1 Jan. 1869, an agreement between M.H. Motte and J.L. Driggers to "chip a crop of turpentine."

122 items.

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